Reflections of God, the Church, Culture, and Theology

Saturday, March 3, 2007

The Secret

Author and Professor of Applied Ministry at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Donald Whitney reviews the book, The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. This is a quote from the review:

"The Secret is nothing more than Name It-Claim It, Positive-Confession, Prosperity Theology (without God and the Bible), built on a foundation of New Age self-deification. In other words, the book is just another version of what some TV preachers have taught for decades, namely, if you will sustain the right thoughts, words, and feelings, you will receive whatever you want. But The Secret adds this important twist: your thoughts can bring anything into your life because you are god."

You can read the rest of the article here.


Sam said...

interesting you post about this book because my mom was just telling me about it today. You have to be suspicious of any book that claims to be able to help you achieve happiness in a few simple steps...